I have a form that gets completed on a webpage by the user, when the user submits the form, I bring up a bootstrap modal dialog, this dialog has an iframe in it that loads the form from the parent window calling a function in it like so:

//parent window
var formToSubmit;
function getForm(){
   return formToSubmit;

   //alterations to the elements in $("mainForm")

   formToSubmit = $("mainForm");

//modal iframe
var parentForm = parent.window.getForm();
   parent.window.closeModalWindow(); //not sure whether this will close AFTER the form is completely submitted yet



My problem is that I'm submitting these forms to microsoft sql server reporting services and it takes every input element as a parameter. I have no control over this.

So when the user clicks submit in the main form, I disable all the elements that must not be set as parameters, the thing is; as soon as I get the form from the parent window and append it to the modal iframe, it seems as all of those changes are lost, is there any way to preserve this?


1 回答 1


您的问题可能与表单上对 outerHTML 的调用有关。首先,outerHTML 的实现在不同的浏览器中是不同的,所以我会尽可能避免使用它。其次,outerHTML 不一定包含活动的 DOM 元素,而只是将其作为字符串转储。

因此,我建议在将表单传递给您的 IFRAME 之前对其进行深度克隆。

使用 jQuery(请参阅文档):


或纯 JavaScript(请参阅文档):




于 2013-07-17T14:32:14.567 回答