I am trying to find more information on making a custom PID block in MATLAB. I have most of it done but there are a few parameters that I don't really understand and as such I don't know what value to give them. NOTE I am NOT asking for help tuning PID gains.

They are all inside the filter coefficient block: TOP VIEW

When I open the block I have to set a few parameters (output min/max, data type, parameter min/max, etc.). Can someone explain to me what these mean? I can't find good resources anywhere. The only thing that I've tried which works is setting each to [] (i.e. -inf) and the input/output data types to 'Inherit: Inherit via internal rule' but then my output goes to hell. If I copy paste the blocks from the PID block there are a bunch of variables which I haven't defined anywhere so the program won't even compile. Can someone point out some good resources for this or else explain it? Thanks!


1 回答 1


您应该从标准 Simulink 库中获取您的模块,而不是从 PID 模块掩码下获取。掩码下的那些已设置为使用从/通过掩码传递的变量,而您没有这样做。

您圈出的块只是一个增益块(来自数学库)。您很可能不需要对块的默认设置进行任何更改,除了常量值(它需要是您想要在控制器中的导数项的近似值中使用的 N)。

为了回答您关于参数是什么的具体问题,其中一些用于指定数据类型(如果您不想使用默认的双精度),一些仅用于代码生成,另一些仅用于其他特定任务. 所有这些都在块的文档中进行了描述(更多或有时更少详细),通过按下块对话框上的帮助按钮获得。

于 2013-07-17T01:38:49.673 回答