语句只允许我输入某些值。在以下示例中,输入 2、3 或 4 的值将返回“值太高”。
set char_points=30
set /a limit=!char_points!-3
set /p char_int="How many points for intelligence? "
if "!char_int!" GTR "!limit!" echo Value too high. && goto char_intb
if "!char_int!" GTR "!char_points!" echo Insufficient points. && goto char_intb
if "!char_int!" LSS "1" echo Select a value greater than or equal to 1. && goto char_intb
set /a char_points=!char_points!-!char_int!
echo You now have !char_points! remaining.
还有其他的。据我测试,它似乎只允许我输入 0 或 11。
set /p char_month="Month (0-11): "
if "!char_month!" GTR "11" echo Enter a value between 0 and 11. && echo. && goto last_char