I have a dev site set up that's running under a fake HTTPS, it has a certificate however Chrome says its invalid because of the domain. My real site has a real certificate however, and I'm wondering if that HTTPS connection will break because of some insecure content on my page.

I'm using Brightcove as a 3rd party video host and when using their embed code, I get these types of errors in the Chrome developer console on my dev site:

The page at https://my.website.com/ displayed insecure content from http://c.brightcove.com/crossdomain.xml.

If I deploy the development version to my live site, will it break the HTTPS seal in the address bar of browsers? HTTPS is very important for my customers so I'd rather not deploy it and just see what happens.

Unfortunately Brightcove doesn't have "true" HTTPS support, it's either get these errors or the video doesn't work. :/

Also, the video is being loaded via JavaScript if that matters.



1 回答 1


如果您包含来自不安全来源 (http) 的内容,封印将被打破。它仍然是安全的,但不会像在仅包含安全内容的页面上那样突出。

于 2013-07-15T19:55:31.323 回答