我使用 make useextend函数在 Laravel 4 的验证类上扩展和添加自定义规则。

Validator::extend('foo', function($attribute, $value, $parameters)
    return $value == 'foo';

当我使用新创建的自定义扩展验证规则时,validation.foo如果规则失败,它会返回。在 Laravel 4 中扩展验证类时,有没有办法定义通用/默认消息?


3 回答 3


Laravel 4 文档特别声明您需要为自定义规则定义错误消息。



$messages = array(
    'foo' => 'The :attribute field is foo.',

$validator = Validator::make($input, $rules, $messages);

选项 2:

在语言文件中指定您的自定义消息,而不是将它们直接传递给验证器。为此,请将您的消息添加到 app/lang/xx/validation.php 语言文件中的自定义数组中:

'custom' => array(
    'foo' => array(
        'required' => 'We need to know your foo!',
于 2013-07-15T05:05:21.313 回答

如果有人想知道 Laravel 5:只需将您的消息添加到所有默认消息下方的 validation.php 中。例如:


return [
// .. lots of Laravel code omitted for brevity ...

"timezone"             => "The :attribute must be a valid zone.",

/* your custom global validation messages for your custom validator follow below */

"date_not_in_future"          => "Date :attribute may not be in future.", 

date_not_in_future您的自定义函数在哪里validateDateNotInFuturecustom每次你对任何字段使用规则时,Laravel 都会选择消息,除非你想覆盖特定字段的全局消息,否则你不必使用数组。


自定义验证器(带有 date_format 和 date_before 本地化的额外注释):

<?php namespace App\Services\Validation;

use Illuminate\Validation\Validator as BaseValidator;

 * Class for your custom validation functions
class Validator extends BaseValidator  {

    public function validateDateNotInFuture($attribute, $value, $parameters)
        // you could also test if the string is a date at all 
        // and if it matches your app specific format 
        // calling $this->validateDateFormat validator with your app's format 
        // loaded from \Config::get, but be careful - 
        // Laravel has hard-coded checks for DateFormat rule 
        // to extract correct format from it if it exists, 
        // and then use for validateBefore. If you have some unusual format
        // and date_format has not been applied to the field,
        // then validateBefore will give unpredictable results.
        // Your best bet then is to override protected function 
        // getDateFormat($attribute) to return your app specific format

        $tomorrow = date('your app date format here',  strtotime("tomorrow"));

        $parameters[0] = $tomorrow;
        return $this->validateBefore($attribute, $value, $parameters);

ValidatorServiceProvider 文件:

<?php namespace App\Providers;

namespace App\Providers;

use App\Services\Validation\Validator;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class ValidatorServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider{

    public function boot()
        \Validator::resolver(function($translator, $data, $rules, $messages)
            return new Validator($translator, $data, $rules, $messages);

    public function register()

然后只需在 config/app.php 中添加一行:

    'App\Providers\ValidatorServiceProvider', // your custom validation  
于 2015-05-27T19:57:33.943 回答

除了 TheShiftExchange 所说的之外,如果您查看该 validation.php 语言文件,您将看到您可以指定的所有不同规则。例如,如果您的验证器有这样的条目:

class ArticleValidator extends Validator
    public static $rules = [
        'create'    => [
            'title'                     => ['required'],
            'slug'                      => ['required', 'regex:([a-z\0-9\-]*)']



'custom' => array(
    'company_article_type_id' => array(
        'required' => 'The slug field is really important',
        'exists' => 'The slug already exists',

请注意自定义验证规则中的 'required' 和 'exists' 键如何与上述验证器中的键匹配。

于 2014-09-18T17:27:19.063 回答