
I have got two SSL Certificated installed on my server 2003 for differnt domains, for example *.test1.net and *.test2.net.

I assigned *.test1.net certificate to one of my website on IIS 6, www.test1.net, however when I check it on http://www.digicert.com/help/, it shows me that it is *.test2.net certificated used on www.test1.net not the correct one, I have no idea what's going on.

The certificate is definitely correct as it has been used for a month, but it goes wrong since this morning, please advise.


2 回答 2


您不能在同一个 IP 和端口上可靠地使用两个证书。它只是行不通,因为它需要SNI才能工作,而且仍然有太多不支持 SNI 的浏览器。基本问题是服务器必须先向客户端发送证书,然后才能知道客户端尝试访问的主机名,因此它无法知道要发送哪个证书。

于 2013-07-15T03:18:49.307 回答

该问题已通过重新启动 IIS 服务得到解决。

于 2013-07-16T01:39:59.493 回答