The project I'm working on uses Bitkeeper for version control. I am working on a new feature which involves translating a definition that is in an Excel spreadsheet (edited by an architect) to executable code (which until now has been manually done by a programmer). This Excel file must be part of the code repository, as different branches may have different definitions that will eventually have to be merged.

Bitkeeper does a good job of merging text files. Excel spreadsheets, however, are binary files, which Bitkeeper doesn't know how to handle. Bitkeeper does enable me to merge changes using external tools (external to Bitkeeper, that is). I am looking for a diff tool that works in Linux and can compare and merge Excel spreadsheets.

Are there any tools that will do this?


3 回答 3


.xlsx 只不过是 XML 文件的压缩集合,您可以解压缩它们,然后对文件进行比较。例如 unzip test.xlsx -d unzipped

于 2017-02-24T10:50:07.840 回答

你必须选择我知道的选项。您可以将文件转换为 .csv 文本文件并使用 awk/sed 等解析文件,也可以使用您选择的编程语言打开和修改电子表格。例如,Python 有 Excel 模块 - http://www.python-excel.org/

于 2013-07-15T03:04:20.377 回答

您可以使用“xls_diff -diff xls1 xls2”

于 2019-08-09T06:52:29.123 回答