I`ve looked over the facebook api document and can find no reference to character set, I assume their using utf-8, our normal charset is iso-8859-1.

We're uploading events to a Facebook page, any time the document contains a pound sign (£) its miss-converted appearing as �

There appears to be no method of setting a charset, and using £ or £ or £ just results in those showing as is.

Is there any way of setting the charset or other method to send such character?


1 回答 1



一个可能的解决方案是将文件编码更改为 utf-8 (确实有效),但这将非常不令人满意,因为这意味着您在站点上混合字符集并且该页面将无法从您的 SQL dBase 读取某些字符并且会以不同的字符集写入相同的字符集。

但是,UTF-8 £ 符号显示为£iso-8859-1,因此在上传时将任何 £ 符号替换为£Facebook 将正确显示为 £。


于 2013-07-15T00:37:55.427 回答