I am supposed to write a recursive method that deletes a reoccurrence of a number at the end of an arrayList. I feel like I've covered my bases with every possible error but I get an out of bounds error once it processes for the 3rd time. I can't seem to figure out why I get the out of bounds error. Seems like all of my counts are staying in the right positions, and I have an if-statement that uses recursion once the counter positions are equal, which is where I figured the error message would be.
Any insight would be helpful, need to learn from my mistakes. Recursion is not my strong-suit either.
EDIT: This is the list; [100, 200, 200, 300, 400, 300, 100, 500, 500, 400, 100, 400, 100, 100]
public static void deleteDuplicateValues(ArrayList<Integer> list, int decreasingCounter, int searchingVal, int outsideCounter)
int searchingValue = list.get(searchingVal);
if (outsideCounter < (list.size()-1))
if (searchingValue == list.get(list.size()-1-decreasingCounter)) //finds
System.out.print (searchingValue + " FOUND at position" + (list.size()-1-decreasingCounter) + "\n");
deleteDuplicateValues(list, decreasingCounter,searchingVal+1, outsideCounter+1);
if (list.size()-1-decreasingCounter == outsideCounter) //gets to end without finding double
{//After searching x amount of times, they will equal eachother if not found.
//outsideCounter only increments when found or end of processing.
decreasingCounter = 0;
deleteDuplicateValues(list, decreasingCounter,searchingVal+1, outsideCounter+1); //goes to next position
deleteDuplicateValues(list, decreasingCounter+1, searchingVal, outsideCounter); //values UP1