所以我对 javascript 和 jquery 还是有点陌生,所以我仍然坚持这个小问题。这里的问题是“currentId”变量。此变量在滚动事件期间获取一个值,但即使在滚动事件通过并在下一个滚动事件期间考虑在内,我也需要它保持不变,它只是返回 null 或未定义。
$("#content").on("scroll resize", function(){ //on scroll
var pos=$("#frontpage").offset(); //take front page position in variable
$('.page').each(function(){ //for each div with a class of page
if(pos.top >= $(this).offset().top && pos.top < $(this).next().offset().top){ //if this divs position is in the correct range
if (currentId != $(this).attr('id')|| typeof currentId == 'undefined') { //if currentId Var is diffrent from this divs id or is undefined
var currentId = $(this).attr('id'); //set currentId Var to this divs id
$(this).addClass( "foo" ); //add class foo to this div
//Else do nothing
}; //endIfElse
$(this).removeClass( "foo" ); //Else remove the foo class from this div
}; //endIfElse
}); //end each