This is a follow up to Google Realtime API - what is the role of a shortcut file in google drive?

What is the effect of share settings on a shortcut file? Does a user need to share this shortcut file with other collaborators?

In my case, my web application already contains share settings between users. These are my own share setting that I store in my database. They are currently sharing between each other but have to edit a file one person at a time. Ideally I would like to just use the settings from my application to seamlessly make it so that they can collaborate at the same time, without having them to once again give edit permissions.


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它们可以通过 Drive API 以编程方式设置,或者您可以允许用户通过通用共享对话框更新设置。请参阅https://developers.google.com/drive/manage-sharing


于 2013-07-12T21:16:34.970 回答