下面是基于我的代码的示例,其中包含注释以在我回到它时为我提供帮助,并希望任何阅读此 Stackoverflow 问题的人:
/* promise based getFilter to accommodate getting surrounding suburbs */
oSearchResult.fPromiseOfFilterSetting = function fPromiseOfFilterSetting(sId) {
var self = this;
self.oPromiseCache = self.oPromiseCache || {}; // creates a persistent cache
// across function calls
var oDeferred = $.Deferred(); // `new` keyword is optional
var oPromise = oDeferred.promise();
// leverage the cache (it's ok if promise is still pending), you can key
if (self.oPromiseCache[sId] !== undefined) {
return self.oPromiseCache[sId];
else {
self.oPromiseCache[sId] = oPromise;
// do our asynchronous action below which at some point calls
// defered.resolve(...) and hence complete our promise
$.cmsRestProxy.doAjaxServiceRequest('ocms_searchProperties_Extension', {
action : 'getSurroundingSuburbs',
sSuburbIds : 'a0RO0000003BwWeMAK'
}, function(result, json) {
'ocms_searchProperties_Extension')", json);
oDeferred.resolve(json); // `json` is our result and `.resolve(json)`
// passes the value as first argument to
// the `oPromise.done`, `oPromise.fail`
// and `oPromise.always` callback functions
// We can now return the promise or attach optional `oPromise.done`,
// `oPromise.fail`, and `oPromise.always` callbacks which will execute first
// in the chain.
// Note that `oPromise.then(doneCallback, failCallback, alwaysCallback)`
// is short form for the below
oPromise.done(function(value) { // returned by promise.resolve(...); call
console.log('will run if this Promise is resolved.', value);
oPromise.fail(function(value) {
console.log("will run if this Promise is rejected.", value);
oPromise.always(function(value) {
console.log("this will run either way.", value);
// return a promise instead of deferred object so that
// outside code cannot reject/resolve it
return oPromise;
// then to use one would do
oSearchResult.fPromiseOfFilterSetting().done(function(value) {alert(value)});
// or using $.when chaining
function fDoneCallback(arg1, arg2, argN) {
console.debug(arguments) // `arguments` is an array of all args collected