I am working through the example of making parallel http requests in Clojure,
In particular
(ns parallel-fetch
(:import [java.io InputStream InputStreamReader BufferedReader]
[java.net URL HttpURLConnection]))
(defn get-url [url]
(let [conn (.openConnection (URL. url))]
(.setRequestMethod conn "GET")
(.connect conn)
(with-open [stream (BufferedReader.
(InputStreamReader. (.getInputStream conn)))]
(.toString (reduce #(.append %1 %2)
(StringBuffer.) (line-seq stream))))))
(defn get-urls [urls]
(let [agents (doall (map #(agent %) urls))]
(doseq [agent agents] (send-off agent get-url))
(apply await-for 5000 agents)
(doall (map #(deref %) agents))))
(prn (get-urls '("http://lethain.com" "http://willarson.com")))
When I run this in the
IllegalStateException await-for in transaction
What does this mean and how do I fix it?