我正在使用带有 Telerik 控件 (v2009 q2) 的 asp.net 对数据驱动的应用程序进行编程。我有一个名为 BLL 的类,它包含(几乎只有)静态类,它们返回不同的对象,以一些 id 作为参数。通常将对象组作为列表返回。
我正在使用带有 Telerik 控件 (v2009 q2) 的 asp.net 对数据驱动的应用程序进行编程。我有一个名为 BLL 的类,它包含(几乎只有)静态类,它们返回不同的对象,以一些 id 作为参数。通常将对象组作为列表返回。
Using static methods as your method of entry is not a particularly big concern. It really depends on whether you have areas of work where you need to store state, as static definitions may not allow you to store or separate state information. Fortunately, going backward from having used static declarations to member declarations is usually less painful than the reverse. You might not even encounter this as an issue if the items returned from such methods are solely responsible for state.
Separate libraries/projects are useful for partitioning units of work. There are no strict requirements that everything must be separated into different libraries, although you may see quirks with static member variables, particularly in multi-threaded apps, as mentioned by Dave Swersky.
Having separate libraries also gives you the following benefits:
However, some parties have found that large monolithic libraries work better for them. Here are some benefits that are important in this scenario.
Finally, one thing I noticed is that it sounds like you have implemented nested static classes. If other people using your work are in an environment with intellisense or other environment shortcuts unavailable, they may find this setup to be highly troublesome to use. You might consider unrolling some levels of nesting into separate (or nested) namespaces instead. This is also beneficial in reducing the amount of typing required to declare items of interest, as namespace declarations only need to be present once, where static nested items need to be present every time. Your counterparts will like this.
将 BLL 和 DAL 放在单独的项目中(即单独的程序集)意味着它们可以与不同的用户界面一起使用而无需重新编译,但更重要的是,DLL 的边界接口和依赖关系定义得相对明确(尽管它没有t保证一个伟大的设计,它至少强制分离)。仍然可以有一个具有很好逻辑分离的单个程序集,因此它不是必需的,也不是足够的。
如果您的应用程序是无状态的,那么全静态方法/类应该不是问题。但是,如果您的应用程序是多线程的并且 BLL 确实读取并提交,您可能会遇到线程安全问题。
单独项目的一个优点是,如果您需要更新应用程序但只更改 BLL,您可以进行更改,重新编译 DLL 并将其放入应用程序在 IIS 中部署的 bin 文件夹中,而无需重新部署整个Web应用程序
namespace BLL
public class tblCity
public tblCity()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
private int iCityId;
private string sCityName;
public int CityId
{ return iCityId; }
{ iCityId = value; }
public string CityName
return sCityName;
{ sCityName = value; }
public int InserttblCity()
DBAccess db = new DBAccess();
//db.AddParameter("@iSid", iSid);
db.AddParameter("@sCityName", sCityName);
return db.ExecuteNonQuery("tblCity_Insert", true);
public DataSet SelectAlltblCity()
DBAccess db = new DBAccess();
return db.ExecuteDataSet("tblCity_SelectAll");
public DataSet CheckCityName()
DBAccess db = new DBAccess();
db.AddParameter("@sCityName", sCityName);
return db.ExecuteDataSet("tblCity_CheckCity");
public DataSet SelectDistinctCityWithId()
DBAccess db = new DBAccess();
//db.AddParameter("@iCityName", iCityName);
return db.ExecuteDataSet("tblCity_getLastId");
public int UpdatetblCity()
DBAccess db = new DBAccess();
db.AddParameter("@iCityId", iCityId);
db.AddParameter("@sCityName", sCityName);
return db.ExecuteNonQuery("[tblCity_Update]", true);
public int DeletetbltblCity()
DBAccess db = new DBAccess();
db.AddParameter("@iCityId", iCityId);
return db.ExecuteNonQuery("[tblCity_Delete]", true);
public DataSet FindPropertyLocationSubCategory()
DBAccess db = new DBAccess();
db.AddParameter("@iCityId", iCityId);
return db.ExecuteDataSet("tblPropertyDetails_FindPropertyLocationSubCategory");
public DataSet SelectDistinctPLCNAmeWithId()
DBAccess db = new DBAccess();
return db.ExecuteDataSet("tblCity_getLastId");