的是,无论如何都有 4ms 的最小延迟。真的!而是依赖代码运行时的时钟。
// Find your browser's implementation of requestAnimationFrame
window.requestAnimationFrame =
window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
// The update method
var update = function(timestamp) {
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// How much time has elapsed since the start of the animation?
var elapsedTime = timestamp - startTime;
// How far have we moved at that time?
var distanceTravelled = elapsedTime * speed;
if (distanceTravelled >= totalDistance) distanceTravelled = totalDistance; // Don't overshoot
// How far have we moved in each component?
var distanceTravelledX = xPerUnitDistance * distanceTravelled;
var distanceTravelledY = yPerUnitDistance * distanceTravelled;
// Move there!
this.x = Math.round(origin.x + distanceTravelledX);
this.y = Math.round(origin.y + distanceTravelledY);
// Draw!
if (distanceTravelled < totalDistance) {
// Schedule update to be called just before the next repaint
// The distance you want to move
var distance = 1; // In distance units
// Speed you want to move at
var speed = 0.005 / 1000; // In distance units per millisecond
// Storage for the time when your animation started
var startTime;
// The start point, in distance units
var origin = {
x: 0,
y: 0
// The destination, in distance units
var destination = {
x: 100,
y: 75
// Distance to travel
var deltaX = (destination.x - origin.x);
var deltaY = (destination.y - origin.y);
var totalDistance = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(deltaX, 2) + Math.pow(deltaY, 2) );
// Storage for the contribution of each component per unit distance
var xPerUnitDistance,
if (totalDistance > 0) {
// Start animating!
xPerUnitDistance = deltaX / totalDistance;
yPerUnitDistance = deltaY / totalDistance;
// Get the start time
startTime = window.performance.now ?
// Some browsers use high-precision timers
(performance.now() + performance.timing.navigationStart) :
Date.now(); // A fallback for those that don't
更新:Adam指出Chrome 使用高精度计时器。代码已更新。