
private static void _msgQ_RecieveCompleted(object sender, ReceiveCompletedEventArgs e)
        //queue that have received a message
        MessageQueue _mq = (MessageQueue)sender;

        //get the message off the queue
        Message _mqmsg = _mq.EndReceive(e.AsyncResult);
        throw new Exception("This is a test exception by Tim");

        //set the values back into a formatted struct 
        //now process your SQL....
        Azure_SQL _azuresql = new Azure_SQL();

        //refresh queue just in case any changes occurred (optional)

        //tell MessageQueue to receive next message when it arrives



public void MSMQ_GetMessage(string _MQ_Path)

                //set the correct message queue
                MessageQueue _msgQ = new MessageQueue(_MQ_Path, QueueAccessMode.ReceiveAndAdmin);
                //set the format of the message queue
                _msgQ.Formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(new Type[] { typeof(_TwitterStreamFeed) });
                    _msgQ.ReceiveCompleted += new ReceiveCompletedEventHandler(_msgQ_RecieveCompleted);

                IAsyncResult _result = _msgQ.BeginReceive();
                _asyncList.Add(_result); // asyncList is a global variable of type System.Collections - > this allows the callback to remain open and therefore nit garbage collected while the async thread runs off on it's own
            catch (Exception _ex)
                throw new Exception("_msgQ_get Message threw the following error :- " + _ex);




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在方法“A”中,异常对所有订阅者进行多播。这是通过将 Exception 实例作为“innerException”字段包含在您的自定义 EventArgs 类中来完成的。


在方法“C”中,您有一个应用程序级异常处理程序。您想通知它此异常是作为处理 ReceiveCompleted 的一部分发生的。通过定义(并抛出)一个 ReceiveCompletedException 来做到这一点,它有一个“innerException”字段来包含实际的异常。

在方法“D”(下面没有给出代码)中,您不关心异常发生在 ReceiveCompleted 代码中。您只需要一个通用的地方来处理异常。这称为“应用程序级异常处理”。请参阅 应用程序级别的全面错误处理?


// ========== A: multi-cast "innerException" integrated into EventArgs ==========

public class ReceiveCompletedEventArgs_A
    public string myData;   // Set on successful events (no exception).
    public Exception innerException;    // Set when there is an exception.

public delegate void ReceiveCompletedEventHandler_A(object sender, ReceiveCompletedEventArgs_A args);

// The Publisher of ReceiveCompleted event, with "innerException" mechanism.
public class RCPublisher_A
    public event ReceiveCompletedEventHandler_A ReceiveCompleted;

    public void OnRaiseReceiveCompletedEvent(string myData)
        ReceiveCompletedEventArgs_A rc;
            rc = new ReceiveCompletedEventArgs_A { myData = myData };
            // Uncomment below line, to see an exception being handled.
            //throw new Exception("Testing exception handling");
        catch (Exception ex)
            rc = new ReceiveCompletedEventArgs_A { innerException = ex };

        if (ReceiveCompleted != null)
            ReceiveCompleted(this, rc);

// A Subscriber of ReceiveCompleted event, with "innerException" mechanism.
public class RCSubscriber_A
    public void Initialize(RCPublisher_A rcp)
        rcp.ReceiveCompleted += OnReceiveCompleted;

    private void OnReceiveCompleted(object sender, ReceiveCompletedEventArgs_A rc)
        if (rc.innerException != null)
            // Handle the exception
            // Use rc.myData

方法 B:

// ========== B: "Out-of-band" handling of exceptions; not multi-cast ==========
// (Successful events are multi-cast, but exceptions are sent to a single delegate.)

public class ReceiveCompletedEventArgs_B
    public string myData;   // Set on successful events (no exception).

public delegate void ReceiveCompletedEventHandler_B(object sender, ReceiveCompletedEventArgs_B args);

public delegate void ExceptionDelegate(Exception ex);

// The Publisher of ReceiveCompleted event, with out-of-band Exception handling.
public class RCPublisher_B
    // Called when the event is successful (no exception).
    public event ReceiveCompletedEventHandler_B ReceiveCompleted;

    // Called when there is an exception.
    public ExceptionDelegate exceptionDeleg;

    public void OnRaiseReceiveCompletedEvent(string myData)
            ReceiveCompletedEventArgs_B rc = new ReceiveCompletedEventArgs_B { myData = myData };
            // Uncomment below line, to see an exception being handled.
            //throw new Exception("Testing exception handling");

            if (ReceiveCompleted != null)
                ReceiveCompleted(this, rc);
        catch (Exception ex)
            if (exceptionDeleg != null)
            // What to do if there is no exceptionDeleg:
            //   If below line is commented out, unhandled exceptions are swallowed.
            //   Uncomment, to throw them to your app-level exception handler.
            else throw;


// A Subscriber of ReceiveCompleted event, with out-of-band Exception handling.
public class RCSubscriber_B
    public void Initialize(RCPublisher_B rcp)
        rcp.ReceiveCompleted += OnReceiveCompleted;
        // CAUTION: Overrides any other exception delegate.
        // If you need multi-casting of the exception, see Approach A.
        rcp.exceptionDeleg = RCExceptionOccurred;

    private void OnReceiveCompleted(object sender, ReceiveCompletedEventArgs_B rc)
        // Use rc.myData

    private void RCExceptionOccurred(Exception ex)
        // Use ex.

方法 C:

// ========== C: Wrap "innerException" into custom Exception, for app-level handler ==========
// Similar to B, but instead of adding ExceptionDelegate and exceptionDeleg,
// Define a custom exception type, and throw it.
// Catch it inside your app-level handler.
public class ReceiveCompletedException : Exception 
    public Exception innerException;

public class RCPublisher_C
    public event ReceiveCompletedEventHandler_B ReceiveCompleted;

    public void OnRaiseReceiveCompletedEvent(string myData)
        ReceiveCompletedEventArgs_B rc;
            rc = new ReceiveCompletedEventArgs_B { myData = myData };
            // Uncomment below line, to see an exception being handled.
            //throw new Exception("Testing exception handling");

            if (ReceiveCompleted != null)
                ReceiveCompleted(this, rc);
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new ReceiveCompletedException{ innerException =  ex };

// ...
// In your app-level handler:
        // ...
        catch (ReceiveCompletedException rce)
           // If it gets here, then an exception happened in ReceiveCompleted code.
           // Perhaps you have some graceful way of restarting just that subsystem.
           // Or perhaps you want a more accurate log, that instead of just saying
           // "Exception XYZ happened" (the inner exception), logs that it was
           // ReceiveCompleted that has the problem.
           // use rce.innerException
        // ...
于 2013-07-10T14:49:42.510 回答