My website has a option for customer to pay by paypal. After fill the order, customer will be redirected to paypal site. If customer paid, an IPN event will be fired to my server and I will know this customer is paid. But if this customer close the paypal site without payment, I have no IPN event so I don't know this customer paid or not.

How can I handle this problem?


1 回答 1


您可以在系统中设置一些逻辑来将订单 ID 写入数据库,然后每隔一段时间运行一个脚本来检查您是否收到了该订单的 IPN。如果没有收到 IPN,您可以从系统中删除该订单,或将其记录下来进行调查。

于 2013-07-10T18:23:51.103 回答