我正在使用移动矩形计算 ROI,并提取 ROI 以通过单击鼠标以单独的形式 2 计算标准偏差、平均值、面积和像素值坐标 X 和 Y。在这个时刻,我试图将一个函数从加载图像并显示矩形的主窗体传递到另一个窗体,该窗体具有显示的平均值和标准差等属性。但是,我在函数的运行时收到错误包含标准偏差。显示的错误是
它显示在函数 StD 中这部分代码的末尾,即平均部分的末尾
SD(count) = Double.Parse(pixelcolor.R) + Double.Parse(pixelcolor.G) + Double.Parse(pixelcolor.B) - 均值
enterPublic Function StD(ByVal image As Bitmap, ByVal mean As Double, ByVal meancount As Integer) As Double
Dim SD(SquareHeight * SquareWidth) As Double
Dim count As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To SquareWidth
For j = 0 To SquareHeight
Dim pixelcolor As Color = image.GetPixel(i, j)
SD(count) = Double.Parse(pixelcolor.R) + Double.Parse(pixelcolor.G) + Double.Parse(pixelcolor.B) - mean
count += 1
Dim SDsum As Double = 0
For i = 0 To count
SDsum = SDsum + SD(i)
SDsum = SDsum / (SquareHeight * SquareWidth)
SDsum = ((SDsum) ^ (1 / 2))
Return SDsum
End Function code here
enterPrivate Sub PictureBox1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.MouseDown
Dim mean As Double = 0
Dim meancount As Integer = 0
Dim bmap As New Bitmap(400, 400)
bmap = PictureBox1.Image
Dim colorpixel As Color = bmap.GetPixel(e.X, e.Y)
' Dim pixels As Double = colorpixel.R + colorpixel.G + colorpixel.B
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left AndAlso Rect.Contains(e.Location) Then
If (PictureBox1.Image Is Nothing) Or (PictureBox1.Height - (e.Y + SquareHeight) < 0) Or (PictureBox1.Width - (e.X + SquareWidth) < 0) Then
Dim ROI As New Bitmap(400, 400)
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim countx As Integer = 0
Dim county As Integer = 0
For i = e.X To (e.X + SquareWidth)
For j = (e.Y + x) To (e.Y + SquareHeight)
Dim pixelcolor As Color = bmap.GetPixel(i, j)
ROI.SetPixel(countx, county, pixelcolor)
mean = mean + pixelcolor.R + pixelcolor.G + pixelcolor.B
county += 1
meancount += 1
county = 0
countx += 1
x = x + 1
mean = mean / (meancount * 3)
Dim SD = mean - 75
Dim area As Integer = (SquareHeight * SquareWidth)
Dim anotherForm As Form2
anotherForm = New Form2(mean, StD(bmap, mean, meancount), area, 34)
End If
End If
' Catch ex As Exception
' MessageBox.Show(ex.Message())
' End Try
End Sub code here
enter Public Sub New(ByVal mean As Double, ByVal StD As Double, ByVal Area As Integer, ByVal pixel As Double)
TextBox1.Text = mean.ToString()
TextBox2.Text = StD.ToString()
TextBox3.Text = Area.ToString()
TextBox4.Text = pixel.ToString()
End Sub code here