我在具有 SceneGraph 类型字段“_scene”的记录上使用下面的代码。我使用 makeLenses 为它创建了镜头。
inputGame :: Input -> Game -> Game
inputGame i g = flip execState g $ do
let es = g ^. userInput . events
sg = g ^. scene
userInput .= i
scene .= foldl (flip inputEvent) sg es
inputEvent :: InputEvent -> SceneGraph -> SceneGraph
inputEvent (WindowSizeChangedTo (w,h)) (SceneRoot _ _ sg) = SceneRoot w h sg
inputEvent _ sg = sg
No instance for (Monoid SceneGraph) arising from a use of `scene'
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Monoid SceneGraph)
In the second argument of `(^.)', namely `scene'
In the expression: g ^. scene
In an equation for `sg': sg = g ^. scene
但我不明白为什么 SceneGraph 必须是 Monoid 的一个实例才能使用这个镜头。