If I were to assign every vertex to a bone/matrix, how would I edit the transformation matrix so some of the vertexes are transformed less?

For example, if I have the matrix

cos sin  0 0
-sin cos 0 2
0    0   1 0
0    0   0 1

What do i do to it to make the vertex rotate less?


1 回答 1


引用 paddy “那些 sin 和 cos 项都应该提供一个角度。例如 sin(theta)。所以,既然你最有可能控制它,那就减少角度。” 因此,通过乘以一个值 -1 到 1 来改变角度,这将改变它改变的方向/数量。

于 2013-07-09T00:03:25.100 回答