All of a sudden this morning, I can't seem to commit to git. When I run:

git commit -m 'replacing location.origin with location.host as former isn't supported in ie8'

It never seems to execute, I'm left in my git bash with:

> _

Where the underscore blinks.

I was able to run a git status and git add fine, I just can't seem to commit, where I've never had this problem before. Anyone have any ideas what's going on and how I can fix this?

I've restarted my PC (I do this first thing every Monday am).

I also tried running a git gc.


1 回答 1


您在日志消息中使用了 ',它结束了字符串引号。

不要使用 -m,或转义 ' like '\'' 或将整个内容放在 "..." 中,或在提交消息中使用印刷问号 ' 而不是 ASCII 撇号。

于 2013-07-08T15:43:55.940 回答