

>   start      end         G_rub  G_sac P_obl N_dut G_glu G_bul G_men  
1.  17/05/2004 13/06/2004  22     140   0     9     7     0     2  
2.  14/06/2004 11/07/2004  453    53    11    124   356   57    13   
3.  12/07/2004 08/08/2004  406    114   15    145   158   44    2    


>month  G_rub  G_sac P_obl N_dut G_glu G_bul G_men  

我是 R 新手,但我的解决方案是尝试以下方法:
4) 将这些向量组合成新的矩阵,看起来像上面




2 回答 2


It took me a while (still trying to discover R), but I think this works well. Hope that this is of use to someone.

# get species
  species <- subset(data, select = -c(open, close))
# get open close dates
  open <- as.Date(data$open, "%d/%m/%Y")
  close <- as.Date(data$close, "%d/%m/%Y")

# calculate number of days per month
days <- mapply(function(x,y)
              vv <- vector('integer',12)
              names(vv) <- c(paste0('0',1:9),10:12)
              ff <- table(format(seq(x,y,1),'%m'))
              vv[names(ff)] <- ff

days <- t(days)         

# mean flux for months
monthdays <- colSums (days)
sp_days <- lapply(species, '*', days)
sp_month <- lapply(sp_days, 'colSums',na.rm = T)
sum_month_flux <- lapply(sp_month,'/',monthdays)
month_flux <- do.call(cbind,sum_month_flux)

> month_flux
      G_rub     G_sac     P_obl     N_dut    G_glu   G_bul    G_men
01      NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN      NaN     NaN      NaN
02      NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN      NaN     NaN      NaN
03      NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN      NaN     NaN      NaN
04      NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN      NaN     NaN      NaN
05  22.0000 140.00000  0.000000   9.00000   7.0000  0.0000 2.000000
06 266.2333  90.70000  6.233333  74.16667 204.7667 32.3000 8.233333
07 422.6774  92.35484 13.580645 137.54839 228.2581 48.6129 5.903226
08 406.0000 114.00000 15.000000 145.00000 158.0000 44.0000 2.000000
09      NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN      NaN     NaN      NaN
10      NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN      NaN     NaN      NaN
11      NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN      NaN     NaN      NaN
12      NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN      NaN     NaN      NaN
于 2013-07-11T21:24:06.697 回答



calculateForOnePeriod <- function(DT, date.start, date.end, period.name, frmt="%d/%m/%Y", DateCols, SpeciesCols) {

  date.start <- as.Date(as.character(date.start), format=frmt)
  date.end   <- as.Date(as.character(date.end),   format=frmt)

  #  find the relevant rows, by date.  Namely starting from the largest (start <= start.date) and ending with the smallest (end >= end.date)
  row.index.min <- DT[, max(which(start <= date.start), -1)]
  row.index.max <- DT[, min(which(end >= date.end), -1)]
  #  the `-1` are to indicate out of range

  # if both are negative one, date not present at all 
  # otherwise, if just one of the two are -1, match to the valid value (ie, single row range)
  if (row.index.max == -1  &&  row.index.min == -1) {
    return(DT[, c(period=period.name, lapply(.SD, function(x) 0)), .SDcols=SpeciesCols])
  } else if (row.index.max == - 1) {
    row.index.max <- row.index.min
  } else if (row.index.min == - 1) {
    row.index.min <- row.index.max

  DT2 <- DT[row.index.min : row.index.max, 
      # calculate the weighted averages
       # n.days are the intersects
       n.days <- length(intersect(seq.Date(start, end, by=1), seq.Date(date.start, date.end, by=1)))
       lapply(.SD, `*`, n.days)
     , by=DateCols
     , .SDcols=SpeciesCols 
  DT2[, c(period=period.name, lapply(.SD, function(x) sum(x, na.rm=TRUE) / as.numeric(1+date.end-date.start))), .SDcols=SpeciesCols]



# convert to data.table
DT <- data.table(dat)

# grab all of the species columns. Modify this accordingly to your real data
DateCols    <- c("start", "end")
SpeciesCols <- setdiff(names(DT), DateCols) 

# Make sure your dates are in fact dates (and not, say, just strings or factors)
DT[, start := as.Date(as.character(start), format="%d/%m/%Y")]
DT[, end   := as.Date(as.character(end), format="%d/%m/%Y")]

# ensure that data is sorted by start, end
setkeyv(DT, DateCols)



first.date <- as.Date("01/01/2004", "%d/%m/%Y")
interv   <- "month"  # needs to be a valid value of `by=` in ?seq.Date
total.periods <- 12   # how many periods to analyze

starting.dates <- seq.Date(from=first.date, by="month", length.out=total.periods+1)  # +1 for ending dates
ending.dates   <- starting.dates - 1

starting.dates <- head(starting.dates, -1)
ending.dates   <- tail(ending.dates,   -1)

# sample period.names..  this will need to be modified
period.names  <- month.abb[month(starting.dates)]

# Note that format is now  "2004-06-01"
frmt.exmp <- "%Y-%m-%d"

## have a look:
data.frame(starting.dates, ending.dates)

# iterate using mapply
res.list <- 
  mapply(calculateForOnePeriod, date.start=starting.dates, date.end=ending.dates, period.name=period.names
      , MoreArgs=list(DT=DT, frmt=frmt.exmp, DateCols=DateCols, SpeciesCols=SpeciesCols), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

# combine into a single data.table
res <- rbindlist(res.list)

# optionally clean 0's to NA
ZeroRows <- apply(res[, !"period", with=FALSE]==0, 1, all)
res[ZeroRows, c(SpeciesCols) := NA]



    period      G_rub    G_sac    P_obl    N_dut      G_glu    G_bul     G_men
 1:    Jan         NA       NA       NA       NA         NA       NA        NA
 2:    Feb         NA       NA       NA       NA         NA       NA        NA
 3:    Mar         NA       NA       NA       NA         NA       NA        NA
 4:    Apr         NA       NA       NA       NA         NA       NA        NA
 5:    May         NA       NA       NA       NA         NA       NA        NA
 6:    Jun   9.533333 60.66667 0.000000  3.90000   3.033333  0.00000 0.8666667
 7:    Jul 160.741935 18.80645 3.903226 44.00000 126.322581 20.22581 4.6129032
 8:    Aug 104.774194 29.41935 3.870968 37.41935  40.774194 11.35484 0.5161290
 9:    Sep         NA       NA       NA       NA         NA       NA        NA
10:    Oct         NA       NA       NA       NA         NA       NA        NA
11:    Nov         NA       NA       NA       NA         NA       NA        NA
12:    Dec         NA       NA       NA       NA         NA       NA        NA
于 2013-07-08T15:02:08.717 回答