我正在尝试在异步模式下使用 Kendo UI Upload(MVC 包装器)。事情在 Chrome 中似乎运行良好,但在 IE 中没有这样的运气(目前仅在 IE 9 中测试)。当它启动上传时,我可以看到它击中了我的操作方法,并且请求包含我期望的数据,但实际上没有保存任何内容。
.Name(string.Format("upload{0}", "background"))
.Events(evt => evt.Success("refreshBackgroundImages"))
.Messages(msg => msg.DropFilesHere("drag and drop images from your computer here")
.StatusUploaded("Files have been uploaded"))
.Async(a => a.AutoUpload(true)
.Save("UploadImage", "Packages", new { siteId = Model.WebsiteId, type = "background" })))
public ActionResult UploadImage(IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> files, Guid siteId, string type)
var site = _websiteService.GetWebsite(siteId);
var path = Path.Combine(_fileSystem.OutletVirtualPath, site.Outlet.AssetBaseFolder);
if (type == "background")
path = Path.Combine(path, _backgroundImageFolder);
else if (type == "image")
path = Path.Combine(path, _foregroundImageFolder);
foreach (var file in files)
_fileSystem.SaveFile(path, file.FileName, file.InputStream, file.ContentType, true);
// Return empty string to signify success
return Content("");