I am trying to upload image in my website folder, but it is not uploading.
In my database I have "Photographs" column for storing image names and I store images in images/1/.
Where images folder is at root level of website. On my localhost it is working perfectly fine, but same is not happening on my webserver.
If I skip photograph upload, all values are inserted properly. But otherwise nothing gets inserted.
Below is my code:
//this part works fine
dr["EmailAddress"] = txtEmail.Text;
dr["LoginEmailAddress"] = txtUserName.Text;
dr["Password"] = txtPassword.Text;
dr["IsAgent"] = rdAgent.Checked;
dr["IsManager"] = rdManager.Checked;
//below is code to upload photograph, where photograph is column name in
//database and working fine on localhost
if(URLMessage.URLAction ==URLAction.update )
dr["Photograph"] = WebHelper.SaveUploadFile(1, flPhoto, dr["Photograph"], lblRemove .Text .Equals ("Upload"));
dr["Photograph"] = WebHelper.SaveUploadFile(1,flPhoto, dr["Photograph"], true);
My web.config is as follows:
<add key="connectionString" value="Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=dbABC;user id=abc; password=kashmirmed@123#;" />
<add key="siteFileURL" value="abc.in/images/" />
<add key="SiteFileFolder" value="abc.in\images\1\" />
Where abc.in is website name