此错误与证书有关。确保您在 php 文件中设置的证书名称是正确的,并且它存在于您各自的文件夹中。如果您仍然有错误,请告诉我。
作为一个请求,我发布了用于发送通知的 php 文件的代码:
// Adjust to your timezone
// Report all PHP errors
// Using Autoload all classes are loaded on-demand
require_once 'ApnsPHP/Autoload.php';
// Instantiate a new ApnsPHP_Push object
$push = new ApnsPHP_Push(
// Set the Provider Certificate passphrase
// Set the Root Certificate Autority to verify the Apple remote peer
// Connect to the Apple Push Notification Service
// Instantiate a new Message with a single recipient
$message = new ApnsPHP_Message('PUT_HERE_DEVICE_TOKEN');
// Set a custom identifier. To get back this identifier use the getCustomIdentifier() method
// over a ApnsPHP_Message object retrieved with the getErrors() message.
// Set badge icon to "1"
// Set a simple welcome text
$message->setText('Hello APNs-enabled device!');
// Play the default sound
// Set a custom property
$message->setCustomProperty('acme2', array('bang', 'whiz'));
// Set another custom property
$message->setCustomProperty('acme3', array('bing', 'bong'));
// Set the expiry value to 30 seconds
// Add the message to the message queue
// Send all messages in the message queue
// Disconnect from the Apple Push Notification Service
// Examine the error message container
$aErrorQueue = $push->getErrors();
if (!empty($aErrorQueue)) {
此通知代码是 APNS 库的。您可以在此处查看:APNS_PHP