I'm new to backbone.js so I can't understand the architecture for this application:

Page 1:
  User should enter his registration information and click to go to page 2

Page 2:
  User should enter person information and so on, click to go to page 3

Page 3:
  User can read some information based on previously entered information 

The backend is rails server.

So obviously we will have user model, but what about collection: should we have it in the application?

If we don't have collection, how we will synchronize user's information with server?

How to build views for this kind of application? Thanks


2 回答 2


我们在客户端 使用 PhoneGap、jQueryMobile、Backbonemarionette 。是来自@addyosmani 关于Backbone 的一本好书。它详细介绍了主干对 MVC 和许多最佳实践的看法。除了木偶的优秀纪录片外,书中还有一章介绍了木偶。


于 2013-07-05T13:43:35.337 回答

下载TodoMVC并查看主干应用程序。这将是在 javascript 中寻找 MVC 的最佳开始。

于 2013-07-05T16:29:31.850 回答