Both will be executed. You are registering events to trigger when document is ready. You can register more than one event for a given object, even if it's triggered by the same action.
Normally, I would expect the code that is declared first to trigger first, but I wouldn't write code that has dependencies in different blocks as it will be failure prone.
I would assume such a scenario in component based frameworks (like Wicket), where each component can have it's ready block, but if they are independant from each other, you wouldn't have to care about which one executes first.
If you have code where the execution order is an issue, I would recommend searching for some other approach to avoid this. As other answers have already stated, you can expect one order, but I wouldn't trust in all browser implementations, and worse than that, in future implementations.
So, as a general rule: keep things simple, if you need more than one event for one object it's fine as long as they're not dependant, else put them in the same block.