当转换为 时,如何获得fileCreationDate
6 位精度的文件NSTimeInverval
//Not accurate enough:
NSDictionary* fileAttribs = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] attributesOfItemAtPath:myPhotoPath error:nil];
NSDate *creationDateOfPhoto = [fileAttribs fileCreationDate];
NSTimeInterval creationDateAsTimeInterval = [creationDateOfPhoto timeIntervalSince1970];
NSLog(@"Creation Date of Photo As Time Interval Since 1970: %f", creationDateAsTimeInterval);
//With the desired accuracy:
NSDate* now = [NSDate date];
NSTimeInterval nowStampAsTimeInterval = [now timeIntervalSince1970];
NSLog(@"Now As Time Interval Since 1970: %f", nowStampAsTimeInterval);
Creation Date of Photo As Time Interval Since 1970: 1373022866.000000
Now As Time Interval Since 1970: 1373022884.294028
有可能还是 NSDocuments 中的存储限制?