I see most of the people just loop around to add the numbers and their squares. I tried a different approach. Using the little mathematics I know, I realized I have a very efficient solution for it :
public static long sumOfNSquares(int N){
// This is the standard mathematical formula I learnt in grade 10
return (long) (N*(N+1)*(2*N+1))/6;
public static long squareofSum(int N){
// Another standard mathematical formula. I took a square of it
return (long) Math.pow( (N * N+1) /2, 2);
public static void main(String [] args){
System.out.println(Math.abs(sumOfNSquares(100) - squareofSum(100)));
This uses the standard "Sum of N natural numbers" and "Sum of Squares of N numbers" formulae. Still I'm getting wrong answer. What might be wrong?