I'm dynamically filling a div with text using javascript. The div is at a fix width of 200px, and the text is automatically formatted to fit in that div. The text itself is in a json, and the json has no carriage return.
I would like to know if it's possible to detect the carriage returns that are automatically generated.
The reason I would like to know that is because I have more than a hundred texts, and if a carriage return is inserted after a 3/2 letter word, I need to insert it before the 3/2 letter word.
So I've looked on the forum, but all I tried didn't seem to work.
test = $("#mydiv").html();
html = test.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g);
It always returns a length of 1, as if it didn't recognize the carriage returns automatically inserted.
Thanks for any help will be most welcomed !