I have two table in my MySQL table:
1) mast_checkup (master)
2) tbl_lab_checkup (child)
Table structure is as follow:
1) mast_checkup:
-- checkid (pk)
-- title
-- description
2) tbl_lab_checkup
-- labcheckupid(pk)
-- labid(fk)
-- mastcheckupid(fk)
-- discount
-- cost
I want to show all the records from master table and all records from child table where labid='1 I tried following query.
SELECT * FROM mast_checkup mc
LEFT JOIN tbl_lab_checkup tlc ON
mc.checkupid=tlc.mastcheckupid WHERE
Couldn't get exact result.
What I need is all records from patent table and matching from child and if no match found from child it should result all master fields and null child fields
Required Result
checkid | title | labcheckupid| labid | discount | cost
1 |title 1 | 1 |1 | 5 | 1500
2 |title 2 | NULL |NULL |NULL | NULL
first is a records which is in both master and child table and second one is only in master but not in child
Any solutions for this requirement ?