我想像寺庙跑一样创建倾斜效果。我在游戏中有一个角色控制器(玩家)通过控制器向前移动。移动(transform.forward)之后我对其应用倾斜以使其向左倾斜对。以前对于倾斜,我尝试通过使用 transform.translate /tranform.position 直接通过加速度计读数来修改玩家位置,如下所示:
但这有一个问题,当我摇动设备时,我的相机开始抖动,播放器也开始抖动,然后我使用以下代码在正 Z 轴上创建倾斜
Vector3 dir = new Vector3(accel.x*8f, 0,0);
if (dir.sqrMagnitude > 1)
dir.x = Mathf.Round(dir.x * 10f) / 10f;
//mytemp is used for temp storage of player position added with the acceleration
mytemp = mytransform.position+(mytransform.right*dir.x*Time.deltaTime*5.0f);
Vector3 diffVec=Vector3.zero;
///position of the element on which the player is colliding;
Vector3 col_pos=Collidingelement.transform.position;
Vector3 unitvec=new Vector3(1,0,0);
//removing x and z of the collider
diffVec= Vector3.Scale(col_pos,unitvec);
//nullify the y,z of the updated mytransform position so that the distance is only measured on X
Vector3 ppos = Vector3.Scale(mytemp,unitvec);
//calculate the distance between player & colliding element
disti=Vector3.Distance( ppos,diffVec);
disti = Mathf.Round(disti * 10f) / 10f;
//update the player position and apply tilt to it if the distance is less than 1.5f
现在有一个问题,如果假设我的加速度值为 0.1,它会继续更新我的温度,如果距离更小,我的玩家将开始向一侧倾斜,尽管我将设备保持在相同的位置并且加速度值为总是 0.1