我已经为 django 中的系统开发了一个 Web 界面,该系统在我的机构服务器 (abc.edu) 上运行。所以接口的网址是http://def.abc.edu:8000/mysystem

我打算在双盲会议上提交一篇关于该系统的论文(审稿人应该不知道我来自哪个机构)。所以,我不能把链接http://def.abc.edu:8000/mysystem放在我的论文中,我必须隐藏域名。有没有办法在 django 中或以任何其他方式做到这一点?任何帮助将不胜感激。


1 回答 1


As stated in the comments, this is not done using Django but using a DNS. The reason is simple: when you type an address in the URL bar of your browser, it asks a DNS to which IP does the domain of the URL correspond, which Django (or any other web framework) is oblivious of. Changing your address in Django will only change the URL on links which will become invalid.

Providing directly the IP of your server, as stated in the comments, won't provide any protection of any kind because universities IP addresses ranges are well known. Finding from which university a given IP comes from is easy.

The easiest way to achieve your need would be to get (for free or purchase) a DNS which redirects to your address. Dyndns.org, noip.com and similar DNS service providers gives you some features such as embedding your website in a frame to hide its address from the URL and similar tricks. Most of these tricks are pretty easy to deceive and discover the origin URL or address, though.

You may also host your project on another server, outside your university. Depending on the requirements of your web interface, some hosts may host you for free.

于 2013-07-19T14:04:45.320 回答