- 我们想使用 git
- 我们已经有一个github组织账号,还有几个github上的项目
- 我们想要实现的目标:
在我们自己的机器上运行的中央 git 服务器。这是我们将本地更改推送到的服务器。该服务器与 GitHub 同步,因此所有推送到中央服务器的项目都会自动以正确的用户存储在 GitHub 上。
本地<--> git 服务器<---> github
In regards to your workflow, if you want to manage the git repositories internally a really good piece of software is called Gitlab, it's pretty much Github on your own server (and unlike Github Enterprise, it's free and open-source).
Next, I suppose you could use a continuous integration system that can run tests on your code and push it up to Github automatically, such as Gilab CI.