我在使用 openpyxl 从 excel 工作表中提取样式时遇到问题,在下面的情况下,我正在创建一个电子表格,我可以看到格式正确,但我不知道如何取回该数据。
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.reader.excel import load_workbook
from openpyxl.style import Color, Fill
#this is all setup
wb = Workbook()
dest_filename = 'c:\\temp\\test.xlsx'
ws = wb.worksheets[0]
ws.title = 'test'
ws.cell('A1').value = 'foo'
ws.cell('A1').style.font.bold = True
ws.cell('B1').value = 'bar'
ws.cell('B1').style.fill.fill_type = Fill.FILL_SOLID
ws.cell('B1').style.fill.start_color.index = Color.DARKYELLOW
wb.save(filename = dest_filename )
#setup complete
book = load_workbook( filename = dest_filename )
sheet = book.get_sheet_by_name('test')
#value work properly
print sheet.cell('A1').value #returns foo
print sheet.cell('B1').value #return bar
#formatting does not - THIS IS THE PROBLEM CODE
print sheet.cell('A1').style.font.bold #returns False
print sheet.cell('B1').style.fill.fill_type #returns none
print sheet.cell('B1').style.fill.start_color.index #returns FFFFFFFF
print sheet.cell('B1').has_style #returns true
#but these 2 return the same values! even thought C1 was never set and should be different
print sheet.get_style('A1')
print sheet.get_style('C1')