I have an asp.net page - I am using jQuery datatables on it.
Part of the code is below:
<% foreach (SubmissionSearchResult result in SearchResults)
<tr data-name='<%=result.ID %>'>
So each time a row is drew on screen I am adding a data-name of result ID to it. What I want then is on clicking the row retrieve this ID.
I had something like the below to start :
$('#searchResultsTbl').on("click", "tbody tr", function () {
var nTds = $('td', this);
var id = $(nTds[0]).text().trim();
This worked when the id was in the first td in the row but now the columns can be dynammic and it may not be in the first column. So I wanted to add the id to each row and then get it from the row so I added it as a data-name but not sure on how to get the value back from it?