I would like to upgrade my current sonar installation from 3.0.1 to 3.1 (or higher). As usual, the system checks the compatibility of the installed plugins with the new release. While normally, this is not much an issue, sonar now wants me to remove seven plugins, I rely on. Steps to perform sonar system upgrade (sorry, I can't post a picture):
Sonar 3.1
Date: Jun 13, 2012
Release Notes: Global dashboards, Findbugs 2.0, rules for unit tests
How to upgrade: Follow those steps to upgrade Sonar from version 3.0.1 to version 3.1 :
the plugin Findbugs which is not compatible with Sonar 3.1.
the plugin Surefire which is not compatible with Sonar 3.1.
the plugin Checkstyle which is not compatible with Sonar 3.1.
the plugin PMD which is not compatible with Sonar 3.1.
the plugin JaCoCo which is not compatible with Sonar 3.1.
the plugin Cobertura which is not compatible with Sonar 3.1.
the plugin Squid for Java which is not compatible with Sonar 3.1.
Stop Sonar
Download and install Sonar 3.1 after having carefully read the upgrade guide.
Start Sonar
While I can understand that I would have to uninstall Findbugs as sonar 3.1 switches to Findbugs 2.0, I hardly can imagine that all the other plugins are incompatible with the new sonar minor release. Of course, there are no pending plugin updates.
So, is this normal or is there somewhere an error in the system? What can I do about it?