这涉及 .ico 格式的图标。
16x16x8bpp (256 colors) - Legacy support.
32x32x8bpp (256 colors) - Legacy support.
16x16x32bpp (16M colors with alpha) - Natively supported on XP and up.
32x32x32bpp (16M colors with alpha) - Natively supported on XP and up.
48x48x32bpp (16M colors with alpha) - Natively supported on XP and up. Important for Windows Vista / Windows 7 desktop icons.
对于非 alpha 通道图像,如果较低的颜色深度可以正确容纳图像,我将替换为较低的深度。例如,16x16x4bpp
(16 种颜色)可以容纳非常简单的徽标。
IE7 及更高版本的大多数浏览器都可以使用它吗?还有其他建议吗?