I am a beginner of Matlab. I am trying to run this function but there seem to be a syntax error that I cannot understand. The source code is the following.
function print_trace(x)
for rowi=1:size(x,1),
for coli=1:size(x,2),
The error encountered is the following:
??? Input argument "x" is undefined.
Error in ==> print_trace at 2
for rowi=1:size(x,1),
Any ideas?
EDIT: here is a screenshot: http://imgur.com/pwPhzhh
Trying to see if there are multiple copies running:
>> which('print_trace')
EDIT: solution of the problem :)
it seems that I solved the problem, my mistake was running ("play" button) the file of the function instead of just calling the function (which will load the file automatically). I still don't understand why there was this error when the file is run, but at least my problem is solved.