
public abstract class TreePointer<T extends TreeNode>
    implements Iterable<TokenResolver<T>>

     * What this tree can see as a missing node (may be {@code null})
    private final T missing;

     * The list of token resolvers
    protected final List<TokenResolver<T>> tokenResolvers;

     * Main protected constructor
     * <p>This constructor makes an immutable copy of the list it receives as
     * an argument.</p>
     * @param missing the representation of a missing node (may be null)
     * @param tokenResolvers the list of reference token resolvers
    protected TreePointer(final T missing,
        final List<TokenResolver<T>> tokenResolvers)
        this.missing = missing;
        this.tokenResolvers = ImmutableList.copyOf(tokenResolvers);

     * Alternate constructor
     * <p>This is the same as calling {@link #TreePointer(TreeNode, List)} with
     * {@code null} as the missing node.</p>
     * @param tokenResolvers the list of token resolvers
    protected TreePointer(final List<TokenResolver<T>> tokenResolvers)
        this(null, tokenResolvers);


     * Tell whether this pointer is empty
     * @return true if the reference token list is empty
    public final boolean isEmpty()
        return tokenResolvers.isEmpty();

    // .iterator(), .equals(), .hashCode(), .toString() follow


public final class JsonPointer
    extends TreePointer<JsonNode>
     * The empty JSON Pointer
    private static final JsonPointer EMPTY
        = new JsonPointer(ImmutableList.<TokenResolver<JsonNode>>of());

     * Return an empty JSON Pointer
     * @return an empty, statically allocated JSON Pointer
    public static JsonPointer empty()
        return EMPTY;


     * Return the immediate parent of this JSON Pointer
     * <p>The parent of the empty pointer is itself.</p>
     * @return a new JSON Pointer representing the parent of the current one
    public JsonPointer parent()
        final int size = tokenResolvers.size();
        return size <= 1 ? EMPTY
            : new JsonPointer(tokenResolvers.subList(0, size - 1));

    // ...




2 回答 2




另外,我如何确保对于 TreeNode 的实现 X,返回类型是 X 而不是 TreeNode?那是我的问题,最终。

TreePointer课堂上,您只需创建一个方法public TreePointer<T> parent()。您应该能够在那里使所有代码通用,除了new new JsonPointer(...)部分。您可能必须将其重构为一个单独的方法(可能protected),您可以在每个具体子类中覆盖该方法。

由于您想返回JsonPointer而不是TreePointer<T>在子类中,并且您还存在需要(非静态)工厂方法的问题,我认为您最初的怀疑是非常正确的。您可以使用父类中的抽象实现来完成这项工作,但您需要覆盖它以在子类中提供更具体的返回类型,我认为这不值得。只需声明一个public abstract TreePointer<T> parent()in并用inTreePointer覆盖它。public JsonPointer parent()JsonPointer

于 2013-06-29T16:38:43.057 回答

您可以在 JsonPointer 上创建工厂方法,这样您就不必使用构造函数并且可以独立于实现。

于 2013-06-29T16:25:58.650 回答