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                }, {
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                    margin : '0 0 0 10',
                    labelWidth : '40%',
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                    xtype : 'button',
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                    ui : 'orange',
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                    text : 'scan barcode'
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                height : 160,
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                                        placeHolder : ''
                                        xtype : 'selectfield',
                                        margin : '5 0 0 0',
                                        width : 300,
                                        label : 'Select Category',
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                                                    text : 'Food',
                                                    value : 'first'
                                                    text : 'Sports',
                                                    value : 'second'
                                                    text : 'Electronics',
                                                    value : 'third'
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                                        width : 320,
                                        placeHolder : 'Add any other tags you want '
                                         xtype : 'button',
                                         height : 54,
                                         id : 'Addwishlog',
                                         margin : '10 0 0 0',
                                         ui : 'orange',
                                         width : 250,
                                         text : 'Add to my wishlog'

                        } ]
            } ]

1 回答 1




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                                        width : 100
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                                        placeHolder : ''
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                                        margin : '5 0 0 0',
                                        width : 300,
                                        label : 'Select Category',
                                        options : [
                                                    text : 'Food',
                                                    value : 'first'
                                                    text : 'Sports',
                                                    value : 'second'
                                                    text : 'Electronics',
                                                    value : 'third'
                                                } ],
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                                        margin : '10 0 0 0',
                                        width : 320,
                                        placeHolder : 'Add any other tags you want '
                                         xtype : 'button',
                                         height : 54,
                                         id : 'Addwishlog',
                                         margin : '10 0 0 0',
                                         ui : 'orange',
                                         width : 250,
                                         text : 'Add to my wishlog'

                        } ]
            } ]
于 2012-12-27T13:29:03.557 回答