我想添加一个带有代码隐藏的简单双动画,以将淡入淡出应用于在运行时创建的 n 个对象:

foreach (var rect in howmanyrect) {

   Rectangle bbox = new Rectangle {
       Width = rect.Width, 
       Height = rect.Height, 
       Stroke = Brushes.BlueViolet,
       Opacity = 0D 

   DoubleAnimation da = new DoubleAnimation {
        From = 0D,
        To = 1D,
        Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500D),
        RepeatBehavior = new RepeatBehavior(1),
        AutoReverse = false

Canvas.SetLeft(bbox, rect.Left);
Canvas.SetTop(bbox, rect.Top);

bbox.Tag = da; // <- Look HERE
bbox.BeginAnimation(OpacityProperty, da);


foreach (var child in GridContainer.Children) {

    Rectangle bbox = (Rectangle) child;

    DoubleAnimation da = (DoubleAnimation) bbox.Tag; // <- Look HERE
    da.From = 1D;
    da.To = 0D;

    var childCopy = child; // This copy grants the object reference access for removing inside a forech statement
    da.Completed += (obj, arg) => viewerGrid.Children.Remove((UIElement) childCopy);

    bbox.BeginAnimation(OpacityProperty, da);


此代码完美运行,但它是一种解决方法。在我的第一个版本中,我在 delete 方法中创建了一个新的 Doubleanimation 对象,但是当我开始动画时,每个对象都会在被删除之前执行第一个和第二个动画。因此,我决定使用 Tag 属性传递对 DoubleAnimation 实例的引用并更改动画属性。

是否有另一种方法来获取对与 BeginAnimation 附加的 DoubleAnimation 对象的引用或避免重复第一个动画?



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