我想知道是否可以连接新创建的(poco)实体添加到 DbContext(以便子对象可以在导航时延迟加载)

var user = new User();
user.LocationID = 3;
var locationName = user.Location.Name;


(注二:我可以创建一个代理对象然后复制值,这样的对象将被连接(并进行延迟加载)但任何复杂的子对象(其他 pocos)都不会包含在副本中)

有没有办法连接(或加载)添加的 poco?


1 回答 1


简短的回答是,在使用外键和 POCO 时,您可以在设置 FK 后显式延迟加载引用属性,如下所示:



当上下文跟踪由导航属性表示的实体时,可以在 DetectChanges() 上同步 FK 和导航属性。文档表明,这只发生在对象具有永久密钥时。

如果引用处于添加状态(在此示例中为课程对象),则在调用 SaveChanges 之前,引用导航属性不会与新对象的键值同步。不会发生同步,因为对象上下文不包含添加对象的永久键,直到它们被保存。


下面是我用来研究这个的我自己的数据模型上的一些测试代码。这是将 EF5 与 .Net4 一起使用,我理解它实际上是 EF4.3。

using (MyContext context = new MyContext())
   * Uncomment these lines to test assigning FK Id when entity is being tracked
  Customer cust1 = context.Customers.OrderBy(x => x.Id).First();
  Customer cust2 = context.Customers.OrderBy(x => x.Id).Skip(1).First();

   * Uncomment these lines to test assigning FK Id 
   * without having entity loaded in ObjectStateManager
  //Customer cust1 = context.Customers.AsNoTracking().OrderBy(x => x.Id).First();
  //Customer cust2 = context.Customers.AsNoTracking()
  //                         .OrderBy(x => x.Id).Skip(1).First();

  //new entities
  Quote proxyQ = context.Quotes.Create();
  Quote pocoQ = new Quote();

   * if adding the new entities to context before setting FK properties
   * DetectChanges must be called later to attempt sync with nav props

  //set FK Customer ids
  proxyQ.CustomerId = cust1.Id;
  pocoQ.CustomerId = cust2.Id;

   * FK / nav prop sync happens on DetectChanges() if the Customer 
   * entity is being tracked
   * it must be explicitly called if it has not been called using 
   * one of the AutoDetectChanges functions in order to sync

   * Alternatively, if the new entities are added to context after setting FK props
   * and AutoDetectChanges is enabled then DetectChanges is called implicitly and
   * FK / nav prop sync will happen here if the matching Customer entity is 
   * being tracked by the context.

   * If assigning FK Id and the entity the id represents is not tracked then 
   * proxy will lazy load Customer here.
  Console.WriteLine("Proxy quote with key {0} linked to customer with name {1}",
   proxyQ.Id.ToString(), proxyQ.Customer != null ? proxyQ.Customer.Name : "null");

   * Obviously no lazy loading of Customer can occur here for a POCO
  Console.WriteLine("POCO quote with key {0} linked to customer with name {1}",
   pocoQ.Id.ToString(), pocoQ.Customer != null ? pocoQ.Customer.Name : "null");

   * But we can explicit lazy load when using POCO if we have assigned 
   * an FK Customer Id to a POCO quote and the Customer entity is not 
   * being tracked by context
   //Console.WriteLine("POCO quote with key {0} linked to customer with name {1}",
   //  pocoQ.Id.ToString(), pocoQ.Customer != null ? pocoQ.Customer.Name : "null");
于 2013-06-29T05:55:29.200 回答