% Function to Generate ECG of 1 heart beat signal
function [Heartbeat,t1] = ECG_Gen (HR,pulse_width,Amp)
Fs = 48000;
delay = ((60/HR)/2)-(0.5*pulse_width);
t1 = -delay:(1/Fs):delay;
Heartbeat = Amp*tripuls (t1,pulse_width);
%Test Circuit configuration
function [FECG_MECG,Mixed_ECG,fastTime] = Test_Circuit (FHR,MHR)
Fs = 48000;
%FHR = 150;
%MHR = 60;
Fpulse_width = 30e-3;
Mpulse_width = 60e-3;
FAmp = 0.2;
MAmp = 0.5;
% Fetal ECG Gen
[FECG,FHR_Delay]= ECG_Gen (FHR,Fpulse_width,FAmp);
% Maternal ECG Gen
[MECG,MHR_Delay]= ECG_Gen (MHR,Mpulse_width,MAmp);
% Composite signal implementation
% Set parameters for Composite signal Algorithms
if length (MECG) > length (FECG) % Check for time sequences for both ECG signal
slowECG = FECG; % Set interpolation to slower rate
fastECG = MECG;
timeSeg = length(MECG);
fastTime = MHR_Delay; % Set sampling times
slowTime = FHR_Delay;
slowECG = MECG;
fastECG = FECG;
timeSeg = length(FECG);
fastTime = FHR_Delay;
slowTime = MHR_Delay;
FECG_MECG = zeros (timeSeg,2); % To hold stereo output
FECG_MECG(:,2) = fastECG(1,:); % Assign higher rate signal to one channel
% Interpolation on the slower rater sampled ECG
slowECGInterp = interp1 (slowTime,slowECG,fastTime);
slowECG = num2cell(slowECGInterp); % Conversion to cell Array in order to remove NaN
slowECG(cellfun(@(slowECG) any(isnan(slowECG)),slowECG)) = [];
slowECG = cell2mat(slowECG);
j = 1;
for i = 1:timeSeg
FECG_MECG(i,1) = slowECG(1,j);
if j == length(slowECG)
j = 0;
j = j+1;
Mixed_ECG = FECG_MECG(:,1) + FECG_MECG(:,2); % to hold mono output
%while (1)
%sound(Mixed_ECG ,Fs);
% Test Wave script
clear all
Fs = 48000;
%for i = 1:3
MHR = 60;
FHR = 200;
% Obtain ECG interpolated signal and composite
[FECG_MECG,Mixed_ECG,fastTime] = Test_Circuit (FHR,MHR);
% for test purposes
[MECG,MHR_Delay]= ECG_Gen (60,60e-3,0.5);
%t = timer ('TimerFcn','stat=false','Period',2.0);
wavwrite (FECG_MECG(:,2),Fs,'ECGwav.wav');
i = 0;
a = 1;
while (1)
while (toc < 20*a)
sound (MECG,Fs);
a = a+1;
[MECG,MHR_Delay]= ECG_Gen (60*a,60e-3,0.5);
if a > 4
%t = cputime;
%y = wavread('ECGwav.wav');
%while (1)
% sound(y,Fs);
嘿,非常感谢您回复我,我已经使用了您的插值,但从监视器获得的读数仍然存在一些小问题。首先,假设我有一个固定时间段的恒定信号,比如 0.8 秒,我想添加 0.3 秒的复合信号,我已经设法使用你的插值方法以我 0.8 的速率对 0.3 秒的信号进行采样s 信号。我想我已经解决了这个问题。第二个问题涉及如何组合我设法以某种方式完成的两个信号,但是当我使用 while 循环来重复复合信号时说超过 20 秒,从声音输出中获得的信号并不完全符合我的预期,因为它探测存储的复合信号数组,其中包含(0.8s 的信号 = 0.3s 的 slowInterp 信号)。我已经包含了所有的代码和功能。基本上,