我又遇到了 php 和 mysql 的问题。我有一个与表用户一起设置的数据库,我想创建一个SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE {value1} {value2}
等...但问题是我要比较的 3 个字段在表中不是按顺序排列的,并且在尝试 SELECT 查询时,结果可变($结果)未正确返回(!$result)。有没有办法检查 mysql 表中的多个字段,它们之间有字段?这是我想要完成的示例:名为 users 的 mysql 表包含以下字段:a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l and m
用户WHERE a='$_SESSION[user]' and d='$_SESSION[actcode]' and j='$_SESSION[email]'
,但引号中的语句是我的查询,它总是执行if (!$result) { error("An error has occurred in processing your request.");}
陈述。我究竟做错了什么?相反,每当我尝试仅使用一个字段(例如 a)的语句时,代码都可以正常工作!这是一个我似乎无法解决的烦人问题!我已经发布了下面的代码,还要注意错误函数是我制作的自定义函数,并且工作正常。
include "includefunctions.php";
$result = dbConnect("program");
if (!$result){
error("The database is unable to process your request at this time. Please try again later.");
} else {
if (empty($_SESSION['user']) or empty($_SESSION['password']) or empty($_SESSION['activationcode']) or empty($_SESSION['email'])){
error("This information is either corrupted or was not submited through the proper protocol. Please check the link and try again!");
} elseif ($_SESSION['password'] != "password"){
error("This information is either corrupted or was not submited through the proper protocol. Please check the link and try again!");
} else {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username`='$_SESSION[user]' and `activationcode`='$_SESSION[activationcode]' and `email`='$_SESSION[email]'";/*DOES NOT MATTER WHAT ORDER THESE ARE IN, IT STILL DOES NOT WORK!*/
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if (!$result) {
error("A database error has occurred in processing your request. Please try again in a few moments.");/*THIS IS THE ERROR THAT WONT GO AWAY!*/
} elseif (mysql_result($result,0,0)==1){/*MUST EQUAL 1 OR ACCOUNT IS INVALID!*/
echo "Acount activated!";
} else {
error("Account not activated.");