
我使用 ng-repeat 指令显示元素列表。每个元素都显示在一个专用的 div 块中。我想允许块编辑意味着当点击一个编辑按钮时,一个元素 div 的内容变成一个可以提交的表单......

我想遵循 Angularjs 哲学,这意味着控制器中没有 dom 操作,而是使用指令...... ;-)


1 回答 1



<div ng-repeat="item in list">
    <div ng-hide="editMode(item.id)">
        <!-- This will contain the DOM elements that
             will only display the item -->
        <button type="button" ng-click="changeToEditMode(item.id)">
    <div ng-show="editMode(item.id)">
        <!-- This will contain DOM elements that will
             allow editing the item -->
        <input type="text" ng-model="item.text">
        <button type="button" ng-click="editItem(item)">


//The list of elements
//Id is needed to uniquely identify an item in the list
$scope.list = [
        id: 1,
        text: "item_1"
        id: 2,
        text: "item_2"

//Contains the ID of the item currently being edited
//You can have single item that can be in edit mode at one time or
//you can have multiple items open in edit mode. Go with an array for the latter
//By default, no item is in edit mode
$scope.itemIdForEdit = 0;

//Checks if the item is in edit mode
$scope.editMode = function (itemId) {
    return $scope.itemForEdit === itemId;

//Changes the item being edited
$scope.changeToEditMode = function (itemId) {
    $scope.itemForEdit = itemId;

//Edits the item
$scope.editItem = function (item) {
    //Logic to update the item in the $scope.list or backend.

这样,您可以实现列表中元素的显示和编辑。请注意,将模型分配给输入标签已经更改了项目内容(AngularJS 的一个我很喜欢的功能 - 模型会自动更新,无需显式更新或保存) - 我提供它仅用于说明目的。

于 2013-06-27T09:46:35.203 回答