I have downloaded a C# project from the internet and I want to make some changes to it so that it suits my requirement. However, I cannot figure out how the program actually works. To be precise, I would like to know the starting point of the application and want to execute it step by step till it finishes execution. I'm new to the .Net environment. Previously, I used f7 key on Turbo C++ to do the same. I'm using Visual Studio 2012


4 回答 4


When you have opened the solution in Visual Studio Press F10 to start Debugging. That will redirect you to the starting point in your project.

于 2013-06-27T09:24:50.907 回答

Start program and hit pause, so it will pause in starting point, in the "cycle" of program, if this is an executable.

于 2013-06-27T09:24:50.080 回答

寻找void Main()函数,在那里设置一个断点,然后使用F10F11调试你的方式。

于 2013-06-27T09:26:22.860 回答


于 2013-06-27T09:37:16.640 回答