When I filter a decimal column ('Amount') I get a parsing error:
Unable to parse: Amount eq 45d
My client built api url is:
The url appears fine, but the Server isnt handling the 'd' suffix - if I remove it the query works fine. Similar query in DocCode works fine.
What could be causing this? Why cant the parser handle an expected suffix?
Edit My js code is:
query = EntityQuery.from('Orders').where('amount', 'eq', 45);
I see the above url using the browser Developer Tools. I'm not putting the d suffix on - breeze.js looks to be doing it very deliberately (DataType.Double called with DataType.makeFloatFmt).
Edit 2 I then noticed my data.inlineCount is not working either. It now returns undefined. So I decided to go back and see if & when these functions worked. So with breeze 1.3.0 both decimals & data.inlineCount worked ok. But 1.3.1 they fail as described above.
Contrary to 1.3.1 release notes I can still see the X-InlineCount property being set to the correct figure, but it is not in the response.