self.draw(self.pen, side, u0, v0, x, y);
要让它运行,它需要 6 个参数,但它正在将“self.pen”视为 2。它为什么要这样做,我怎样才能让它正确读取它?谢谢
# A Mandelbrot patterns class:
class MandelbrotPatterns:
# Initialize the pen, and determine the window width and height:
def __init__(self):
self.pen = turtle.Pen();
self.width = self.pen.window_width();
self.height = self.pen.window_height();
# Given numbers self, u0, v0, and side, design a pattern:
def mandelbrot(self, u0, v0, side):
for x in range(-self.width/2, +self.width/2):
for y in range (-self.height/2, +self.height/2):
self.draw(self.pen, side, u0, v0, x, y);
if (x % 20 == 0):
self.pen.tracer(True); self.pen.tracer(False);
# Draw in color a pattern element at point (x, y):
def draw(self, side, u0, v0, x, y):
maxCount = 25;
u = u0 + x * (side / 100.0);
v = v0 - y * (side / 100.0);
a = 0 ; b = 0; count = 0;
while (count < maxCount and a * a + b * b <= 4):
count = count + 1;
a1 = a * a - b * b + u;
b1 = 2 * a * b + v;
a = a1; b = b1;
ez = float(count) / maxCount;
color = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(ez, ez, ez);
self.pen.up(); self.pen.goto(x, y); self.pen.down();