I have two databases one on my local machine and one on my amazon ec2 instance.Now what I do is I run a python program on my local machine which makes changes to the databse on my local machine.I want these changes to be reflected onto the database on amazon ec2 instance, periodically.I want to do this in python.A script that logs onto the amazon server establishes a connection with the database there and makes the changes.
I came across some modules like pexcept,fabric and paramiko.But I am struggling with the key authentication.
The way I ssh from my terminal is ssh -i my_rsa_file.pem username@ip_address.There is no password.How do I go about this ?? Also I want to know whether simply using Popen in subprocess to execute the login command work ?


1 回答 1


此处的 Boto EC2 文档描述了 EC2 实例对象,其中“key_pair”是一个属性。在“boto.ec2.instance”下查看大约 3/4 的位置。



reservation = conn.run_instances(...)
inst = reservation.instances[0]

要将您的密钥对名称检索为 unicode 字符串,只需使用:

kp_name = inst.key_name

然后,您可以使用 get_key_pair 检索相应的 Boto 对象:

kp_obj = conn.get_key_pair(kp_name)


于 2013-09-16T12:56:45.913 回答